light in a darkened world
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Yay! The last time Savina was at the castle she had to hack her brother out of a wardrobe with a battle axe XD 300+

The Lt. General's legs carried her off to the south and west. She needed a little bit of a break from the pack. Ever since she had found Ehno that night wounded a dark seed of anger had been seething inside her chest. When it had happened with Kansas she had been upset with her mate as well. Their pups had been due to be born in a short amount of time and the fact he had gotten into a fight and gotten himself hurt had angered her a little. But now that whole situation had changed in her head. Now not only her mate, but also her brother, had gotten into fights with the same loner. Both times he had been trespassing upon their lands. If it hadn't been personal before, it certainly was now. As far as she was concerned these were not mere attacks against the pack, but against her even closer personal family. She would not stand for it.

The path that she was traveling was one she had taken before. It lead to the old abandoned castle on the coast. She hadn't been there since she and her brother had stumbled across it some months ago. The mother had the thought in her head that maybe she could find something interesting for the pups to play with inside. Or if not that maybe there were some prized books that she could take home for Kansas. Whatever it was, she knew she would find something of value in the medieval structure. If she happened upon that boy that had dared to mess with her family, well that would only be an added perk. She had a hungering desire to teach the little prick a well deserved lesson. He had no idea of the powers he provoked within the sable fey.

Soon her jeweled gaze caught sight of the dark castle, impossible to mistake against the horizon. Her heart feeling a little lighter at the welcome picture her pace quickened, carrying her more swiftly to her destination. As she came closer a couple scents were brought to the wolfess' nose. It seemed a member from the AniWaya tribe had decided to come here today as well. Stopping for a moment Savina made her body shift into that bipedal form that was much more ideal for these kinds of excursions. Once that was finished she stood up and strode forward once again, catching glimpse of a horse and a reddish figure. One slender arm rose to the air and waved a greeting. "Hello there!" her Italian accented voice called.


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