what temporal days may bring
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v515/ ... ryban2.jpg); background-position: top center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

Lol, maybe you should post at 3 am more often? XD 300+

It had seemed a quiet night. Not particularly different than any other night. And yet there was something different. Something not quite right. But Savina was damned if she could figure out what it was. It was like an uneasy undercurrent that flowed in the sea of her mind and soul. The very moment that she thought she might have caught something in it, that current pulled it away in a different direction. Since it was raining out she had stayed in the den room with Kansas and their pups. It seemed the drizzly weather had brought down all their energy and spirits and the little family just lazed about in their room, flitting in and out of sleep. At one point she had thought she had heard something going on out in the main room of the mansion, but had dismissed it and let her mind slip back into unconsciousness.

It was another noise, probably much quieter than the first, that eventually roused her in the late hours of the night. For some reason the front door of the mansion closing sounded like a thunderclap in her uneasy mind. The wolfess' coal head shot upward at it, her emerald orbs bright in the darkness of the room. What had that been? It wasn't often that members came and left so late. Curiosity and that sense of something being wrong overtook her and she carefully untangled herself from her mate and children. Quietly she padded over to the door to the room and her mind focused on changing her body into that gifted form. Her limbs stretched out and that long mane of raven hair flowed down her back. Standing up she opened the door to the room and closed it behind her. The mother had become quite adept at making sure her comings and goings were almost unnoticeable.

As Savina moved out of the hallway and into the living area the scent of her brother hung in the air. The scent of her brother tainted with a hint of metallic blood. The hair on the back of her neck stood up and she swiftly moved to the front door and opened it, going outside. Her eyes grew wide as she saw the back of her sibling, blood leaking through a cloth wrapping on his shoulder. "Ehno. Che è successo?" Without even realizing it her muscles had become tense and her hands had balled into fists. This is what had been bothering her all this time. Part of her hoped that perhaps it had only been an accident, but deep inside she knew that wasn't the case.


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