The strangeness of a face
        Jael wasn't even particularly in the mood for a fight. However, even as he thought about it, visualizing himself tearing his fangs into her flesh as she aimed to rip him apart, something stirred within the young hybrid. Paws bracing the earth, holding him steady if she chose to lunge for him unexpectedly, he could almost smell her blood, tasting it on his tongue--and it tasted good! Almost disappointingly her demeanor changed, still offensive, yet calming down just ever so slightly. Enough to keep either wolf from attacking each other. Her voice still contained an attitude the boy didn't like, but was less so than previously it had been.
        "Not that it's any of your business I'm enough of a coyote for Inferni's standards," he replied, own voice remaining cold and unfriendly. Running up on him with aggression was not the way to get Jael to speak, thus the boy was loath to be completely honest with this strange girl. He was used to his strange life and would hold his head high when announcing the clan's name he resided within. They seemed far more forgiving then the wolves who despised them. Inferni's cause was to live and survive while their larger cousins wished to exterminate them simply for lack of competition for food and territory. Despite being mostly wolf Jael's side was already chosen and his loyalty given--and it wasn't with the wolves.

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