because I have been through hell
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Hm. So this doggish hybrid was indeed one of his kind. They were an incredibly rare breed. The only other he had ever met was that young coyote when he had first came to these lands. The youth had been more like him than this male though. Though still not completely like him. Not so devout. As far as Onus knew, he was the head priest to the cause of justice and had barely met any acolytes, much less another priest. Though at the statement it was his former profession once again he was somewhat disappointed. Though he did understand. Such a life was not an easy one. Satisfied with the answers his mind returned to the struggling fish in his hand and he broke its spine, ending its struggle. "Hrm," that rough monotone responded. "Seems we have something in common. Or had." That hidden gaze settled on the curly tailed creature.

The coyote stood there in the water for a few moments more before turning back to shore to deposit his latest catch. He supposed he could stop for now and converse with this male. Having been a vigilante Onus found him immensely more interesting than most he came across. Setting the fish down he turned back to the other wiping his hands off against one another. "What caused you to choose that path? For at least as long as you did it." There was no mocking in his tone, no judgment. There was, in fact, nothing. So there would be no reason for Vigilante to take offense. It was strange, referring to anyone else with that word, even if it were their name. Why had he chosen to be so very unsubtle about it? Subtlety was a tool that their type had to utilize as often as they could. Or at least that's how he thought.


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