what are we gonna do with you
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Waking up early suited Orion, he always liked to enjoy the full day of the sunlight especially in the summer. He had been out patrolling for most of the day which lead to his coat getting quite dusty. The heat by the afternoon started to wear on Orion and he decided he needed to cool down. He didn't want to fight with the Ocean today as he was quite tired so he headed for the lake.

He spotted a black haired wolf from a distance just as it was climbing onto a rock near the water, not wanting to disturb anyone he made for the lake a little ways north of it. As he made his way around he noticed the size and shape of the black wolf and recognized it as Savina. He hadn't spoken to her for awhile and since she seemed to be relaxing for the time being he would leave her alone.

Orion waded into the water to cool off but was careful not to splash, he didn't want to disrupt the calmness of the surroundings. He stood there for a few minutes and felt the heat leave his body as his strength returned to him. Savina still lay still on the rock in the distance and he felt as if atleast he should acknowledge her presence. Orion moved slowly along the shore of the water towards her.


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