Devil's playground
not confusing at all! Smile[html]

There was not enough left in him to exert the scream that desperately wanted an escape. He could not differentiate between the various pains that sprang up, one by one, as his brain was able to process them, and there seemed to be no breath left in his lungs. He struggled for a moment or two, to inhale without also inhaling micro-debris and the clouds of swirling dust that began settling around him. So self-absorbed in his own predicament, however, that he could barely grasp reality when what was left of the floor crashed down to his level. He did not realize that Empusa had also joined him in his fall.

Gingerly rolling to his back, he groaned heavily, and a blinding pain shot through his right leg. Again, he could not cry out, but instead clenched his teeth tightly, and raised his hand to clasp his head where he could feel the blood pulsing like the rapids of the Yawrah. For a moment, he thought that he might just pass out, and if the rest of the building fell down on him, so be it; he would die and the pain and knowledge that there was little he could do would be obsolete, tossed into oblivion. It wouldn't matter. He wouldn't care. Everything he now had, everything he had found... none of it was a thought in his conscious (or subconscious, for that matter) mind.

His eyes closed and he tried to imagine himself on the beach, in the sun, on a glorious day where the surf rolled in fiercely, but where the clouds parted so that he could see the blue of the sky. This image could not last long, and it did not, because he began to hear... things. He was now imagining that there was someone to save him. Yes, there was someone there, someone saying words which sounded to him like a jumbled mess, faded, far away. And then, there was the sounds the building was making, angry with him, groaning it's own disapproval. Something lifted him and the pain in his leg screamed for mercy, and he thought he might have heard himself cry out something along the lines of a whimpering yowl in his mind.The something then let him go and more words came, this time, just a little clearer. Are you two alright? He didn't think he was even sure of what it was referring to.

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