what temporal days may bring
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She saw Ehno's posture stiffen as she walked outside. She felt bad for startling him, but she had been too worried to care about how quickly or loudly she had approached. The woman had never seen her brother injured, not so badly anyway. The usual cuts and scrapes but nothing like the gash across his shoulder. Her gaze traced over the line and the longer she looked at it the more the anger grew in her chest. Who would dare do such a thing to her brother? She knew Ehno wasn't the one to go about picking fights, so whoever had done this, the altercation had been their fault. Ehno only ever lost his temper when it was warranted. As angry as she was at the culprit, she was also so very relieved that he had not been harmed more than he had.

Savina took the words he spoke into her steel trap of a memory. There was a seed of familiarity in this story. One she had not heard all that long ago. Suddenly instead of her brother before her she saw her mate, also battered and bruised. Yet instead of a gash on his shoulder his upper lip had been torn. Those rageful flames fanned higher inside of her. This was too similar to be a different person. "Che ha somigliato a? Era solitario?" Though she already had a gut instinct that this was one and the same male. Moving herself from that statuesque position she moved to kneel by her brother's side. One slender hand rested on his arm. "Lei è giusto? Lei deve aiutare l'involucro ciò meglio?" She wasn't the medic that Naniko was, but she could do that at least.

Seeing him like this not only evoked anger but also a fear in her. Once again Ghita had disappeared meaning that she and Ehno were all each other had from their original family. Yes, their family had grown with her litter, but that did not mean she needed her brother any less. The thought of him being mortally wounded frightened her. Ever since childhood she had had a somewhat invincible image of her chocolate hued sibling. That nothing could ever hurt him. While it had been childish to hold onto that she had, and now that image was shattered and that fear of loss leaked into her heart.


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