everyone must find a place
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yey Big Grin 300+

Her voice rose through the air like a ghostly bird, invisible but undeniably tangible. It seemed like it had been so long that she had sang to the heavens so freely and fiercely. Back in Italy she had done it all the time. Almost every night the pack had convened to sing the their praises to the sky. Even when they didn't Savina would go and sing to the moon and stars herself. Lately it seemed there had been little time for such things. Crimson Dreams had no such ritual as her birth pack had. Then she was busy being a leader or taking care of her pups. There was no time or energy for such nightly serenades. Well, she would change that. She wanted her children to hold the appreciation for this as she did. Even though they were not simple wolves anymore didn't mean they should deny themselves these simple and feral pleasures.

As slowly as it had started the woman's voice faded back into the silence of the night. Her eyes were closed and a serene smile was placed upon her face. Her soul was contented and calmed by that simple act of her nature. While she may have accepted the gift of being a luperci, she would never shun her heritage and how she had been raised. The Marino was a wolf at heart and she always would be. The faint scent of a stranger reached her sensitive nose and she took it in, searching her mind for recognition. Whoever it was belonged to the clan, but it was no one she had met before. While she had some issues with the clan, it was on a case by case basis. One of her greatest enemies resided there as well as one of her most true friends. Inferni was a dichotomous place for her.

Savina's sleek head turned to search for that canine and found him quite easily. Unlike her, he had a coat that reflected all the glory and brightness of the full moon. His eyes shone like two fires in the night. That smile was still on her lips as she looked warmly at him. "Hello, it's a beautiful night, is it not?" Her accented voice wafted through the air that sat between them. It was interesting. He looked much more wolf than coyote, though she new the clan readily accepted hybrids as long as they held a certain amount of coy heritage.


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