Don't tell me what tomorrow brings
Miriette had been hauling the spare pieces of lumber to the site of her new home for a few days now, the floor to her treehouse was complete and though she had no walls or a ceiling yet it gave her somewhere she could sleep for the moment though she thought that her hammock was still more comfortable. She was beginning to plot to put the hammock on hangers inside the home when it was finished, for now she still had a lot of building to do. She grinned, for once forgetting about her pains and worries as she huffed and puffed her way down the trail she'd made from the villas to her new home.

Finally at the building site she dropped the wood and sat there panting. Knowing that she could find something to make it easier to collect the wood in but she didn't want to worry with it just yet. She could do that tomorrow. For now she had enough scraps to make the frame for the walls and ceiling. She'd seem some lovely pieces of tin and metal in the city that she thought would make a perfect ceiling and walls. She hadn't come to the point of realizing that it would be mighty cold in the treehouse come winter but she'd figure that all our when it came down to it then, for now she had her own current worries to fill her mind.

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