I've Been Waiting
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Adelaida shook at the words, it wasn't the male that made her tremble now, it was his story. So closely did it match up to her own, sometimes that haunted her daily but she rarely let herself think about. Suddenly all the images came back to her, the three of them, coyotes of varying shades of brown, hovering above her, kicking her, taunting her, changing her. The fragile creature closed her eyes to the images, yet they persisted as one can not truly shut out something so ingrained into the soul. “They are h-horrible.” It was hard to image that he, who seemed to realize what so many others didn't have an inkling of understanding, was untrustworthy. Once she had thought she found a kindred soul, Umbra, but he had vanished from her life. Truly she wouldn't count this male among her friends, but nor did she have the heart to turn him away or run from him anymore.

Turning back she tried to smile at the male, still finding it hard to look into his empty eyes. She didn't really want to continue on alone, but nor did she want to stay here anymore. Dahlia de Mai was home, at least in the literal sense. She lived there now and would until Alexey or Sankor or both had moved on. Ril'o, her only non relative friend in, had just died and she needed to be there. Why had she run in the first place? Adelaida couldn't recall but she was all of a sudden overcome with the need to return but she couldn't be rude to the male. Not when he seemed to offer sympathy to her plight that so many others scoffed at, believed her biased for.

"We have a lead warrior, but no one beneath her. I don't know wh-why she didn't..." Why she didn't what? Adelaida knew that Cwmfen did her job and did it well, in most respects. She was an able leader and of sound mind, certainly preferable to Haku who seemed crazed. Yet Ril'o had fallen and though the warrior had been present it had not been prevented. Adelaida didn't hold it against her, not quite, but talk of the mysterious female had always left a sour taste in Ade's mouth. Perhaps there were details she missed, reasons why Cwnfen had failed in helping Ril'o, but the masked female wouldn't ask the Adonis herself. Still, she would never know unless she went back and asked someone. "I need to go back, y-you can accompany me?" Adelaida wasn't sure if it was an invitation or she was asking him to protect her, but she was sucked in, it couldn't be helped.


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