empty walls

i can't stop running away.

He felt like there was something wrong with expressing his wishes to read. He couldn’t identify exactly what that was, but there was a bit of guilt associated with just up and complaining about something like that. He left this consideration behind for a moment while he listened to her talk – she told him about an adopted father, and two packs he had never heard of. It seemed like he was always learning new things about his home. First, that it was not the whole world. Then, that there were other packs beyond Storm. And now that Bleeding Souls had a history, places and people that used to exist and that were connected to him now.

He smiled, nodded. "I like your daddy’s name… Physe," he whispered with the randomness of a child. But she was saying something else, and it was then that he learned why he felt guilty about telling her he wanted to read. It was like he was asking for her to teach him, which was a disrespectful and demanding thing of him to do! But the excitement he felt at her offer lit up his entire face, and his eyes widened in awe and thanks. "You… you would do that? Really? Oh, thank you Naniko!" His tail wagged excitedly. He felt like running toward her and embracing her, but that was carrying it a little too far.

He continued to beam at her as he watched her strike the two pieces of flint together until sparks flew and the “tinder” ignited. "It’s like magic…" Maybe it was.


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