you always thought that i was stronger


The blade of grass that had been clasped between two fingers suddenly fluttered away to the expansive field of green below and was lost. Ryan smiled up at the girl before her, not surprised to hear she was related to Gabriel. Most everyone in Inferni had ties one way or another. Hell, even Ryan was related to the Aquila, though distantly. All their blood seemed to want to converge on that one spot; perhaps it was some sort of instinct to want to be a member within these borders.

Ryan nodded in response, not noticing how Halo seemed to be standing slightly uncomfortable. Instead, she was thinking now of all her own blood ties. "Gabriel is my uncle too," she started, but then knew to correct herself. "Well, not exactly. He and my father are cousins, but I guess I look to him as if he were an uncle. My father is Anselm de le Poer. I don’t know if you know of him." It had been some time since he had left co-leadership of the clan and his daughter behind, but Ryan was starting to see how names of old members never really died. Not with all this kin around, at least. "But really, it’s just me and my daughter when it comes to close family. I’m related distantly by blood to most here, but not immediately." She wondered what it would be like to live with a sibling here. Perhaps an older brother, or maybe even her mother. It made her sad to think of the deceased, however, so she pushed her fantasy away. "Are you living in the mansion?" She asked the girl mostly because she was curious, but also so that their conversation wouldn’t stir away into the nothingness of the mist that surrounded them.


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