These killing lights won't kill us all again
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Heath was intrigued by the bond the two creatures had. It was odd, to think that one could be so wrapped up with another species so far from their own. Heath wouldn’t put it past another lupus to hunt and kill these creatures, though they were larger and heavier then the normal hoofed prey. Though not moose and large buck elk. But he smiled as he watched the horse sought out the fruit from Haven, his friend. It was an interesting concept, one that Heath didn’t think he would ever be close to conceiving. But he even laughed silently as the wolf spoke to him as if he was speaking to a pack member. Though it was stifled quickly.

He nodded at the male’s next words. What else is there for me? A toothy smile ended the speech, and he looked back at the stallion. Heath was far from a born rebel. An arrogant kid, yes. But he it was only a façade that he kept to shroud his weaker counterparts. It had been up so long that he didn’t know the different anymore. But he didn’t want to admit to all the things that made the statement true. Looking to Haven he listened closely, finally understanding why he couldn’t find him those few time he had gone looking for him. But it made sense. The kid had been so broken over the knowledge of his father that anything would have been an improvement.

I ended up finding my dad, he’s as much of a jackass as I predicted. Heath shrugged it off, letting one hand rest on the stable door and leaning into it. Came looking for you a few times, but I’ve been hanging around here too. He spoke in a casual tone. He’d rather keep the details of his short visits in Crimson Dreams in the dark, so he skirted around the topic. I’ve met a few wolves here, or dogs. Gold eyes looked at the green of the other male, feeling relaxed with the other male.

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