learning how to travel in time
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woptd: Vagary. 347 words.

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Eyes widening, Princess practically leapt to her feet, stumbling over herself in her haste to stand up. She had explored Halifax once or twice, and had found some clothing from the human days, but this place seemed very different from Halifax. Not only because of the location (the water made a lovely addition to the human places such as these), but the buildings were different, and the smells were different, and she wasn’t alone. “Really!? What do you think you’ll find in those buildings?” she asked, her voice eager and bouncing with excitement, although strangely quiet for someone so normally boisterous. The idea of exploring things in strange buildings was very exciting, but she couldn’t help but feel a little nervous at the idea. Humans were one of those vagaries of the world, completely and entirely unpredictable in what they have done or will do.

“You can lead,” she said, her tone very firm. It was unlikely that Hemming would be able to convince her otherwise, if he had any plans to try and do so. “Not that I couldn’t do it, though. I just think since it was your idea, you should lead,” she amended quickly, not particularly keen on the idea of him thinking she was afraid. And why should she be? It was only human stuff, wasn’t it? They did strange things, and made ridiculously confusing things, but they had also made good things, like books and pretty dresses. Probably there would be nothing dangerous in the cute little houses here, since there hadn’t been anything too frightening or alarming in the tall buildings in Halifax. Probably it would be interesting to see what the humans from this quaint little town liked to have in their old homes. And probably these houses would be something her friends might like! Maybe she could see if Coli had been out here, and maybe she could move her flower from Dahlia to here, if she decided it was safe for her little flower-present that the woman had given her. “Where should we start in our exploring, Hemming?”


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