I've got a good mind to throw it all away...
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The black fae smiled knowingly, the smile quiet and almost indiscernible upon her tranquil face. "Sometimes it is difficult to understand the choices of our leaders," the soft voice agreed. She thought most acutely of Haku’s request to her to make Onus leave. Perhaps she had done no better.... A light smile upon her maw changed as she listed to the way in which the female with eyes like the forest spoke of her mate. "It’s surprising how different relations can be." She knew very well the mechanisms of such a thing. The black fae liked to believe that she was nothing like her father, that she did not hold a blackness within her but only that darkness imminent within all creatures, a darkness soft and tentative, not a blackness of polished obsidian with edges that bit so easily into flesh. And yet, sometimes she felt that she had been too close to that blackness. She was created from a seed of those black loins, and of the rage of her mother. The soul of the crow wolf had brushed against her own when he had raped her those many months ago. Did one not change because of such things? Was the consumption of her soul by that blackness not inevitable? Often, before the hands of sleep pulled her down, she wondered at such things.

"Thank you," the woman replied, grateful for the kindly offered hospitality. She would like to come and explore another pack and meet its members. Perhaps she should do so more often, but her duty as warrior often allowed her to keep to her solitude. But she wondered when she would be able to visit Crimson Dreams. Surely she should not travel there until after the matter of Corvus was dealt with, if there even was an ‘after’ for her. The black fae thought of those that had already been wounded, and she did not need to bring such a thing upon another pack. But she kept these thoughts to herself. Corvus would not trouble a pack that held no relation to her. He would not waste his time with such things.

"It is unfortunate," the black fae agreed quietly, "and counter intuitive." The warrior was a wilder creature than many who inhabited these lands, and she followed instinct. It was strange that a mother would disregard those maternal instincts. Was life not the most precious thing? Truly the woman did not know, but those instincts bid one to survive and to procreate. While the warrior did not wish to be burdened by the laws of procreation and of motherhood, she was not blind to the necessities. It was only fortunate that the mother had thought of her pups enough to give them to the care of one who would nurture them. "She is," the melody confirmed brightly. "I’ve met with all of the pups briefly, and they are growing well, especially their minds." The black tail waved once behind her. The warrior always appreciated a keen mind. Catalyst’s had been most promising.


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