Try to let go of the truth, battle for your youth
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ooc: Oops, I forgot that... XD Well, it seems okay with me^^

Mael watched the sun ink the sky with yellow and orange as it crawled closer and closer to the horizon when his ears flickered backwards to the sound of a male voice. He spun his head to the side, where his bright sky blue eyes, wide with the surprise of the sudden company, watched the odd-colored male get near, his maw hanging slightly open. It was an innocent face, as the male gestured to the seat near the husky mix. He nodded, the face empty as he watched him sit, the tail wagging almost as his own.

His watchful eyes sinked into the other's green eyes, noticing he was rather hidding his name. The copper hued boy really doubted his name was Vigi. Maybe a nickname, but not his name. Unfortunately, he found nothing about his real name. It rather frustated him, but not so much to fade out his joy to have company. It was always a delight.

He then smiled an innocent, warm smile, fitting his childish traces. His eyes glanced to the male and locked back at the sun. "Nice to meet you, mister Vigi. I'm Mael." he said, still glaring at the bright yellow sun. "Forget-Me-Not..." He also said, answering his first question. It might not be a very good explanation, but it was the correct one. His curly tail -the curl more loose than the male's- wagged a bit more slowly, his attention back to his meeting with the blueish flower, not a few minutes long ago.


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