sometimes you can't win them all
The dark hued male grumbled slightly when the girl's voice perked up and she demanded he wake. He wrinkled his nose slightly and mumbled. "I'm not sleeping, I'm studying the back of my eyelids.." He groaned as he opened one eye and watched the young woman before him a second before he suggested. "You should try it sometime.." after a second he smiled and added. "How about now? There's room up here for two.." He couldn't help it, the flirting just came naturally and they responded so well. Second nature was hard to lose.

He opened his other eyes and let one long limb slide over the edge of the log as he turned to face the girl. "You looking for something?" he asked, not knowing if he was even able to help her.. even though he had many duties as a highly ranked members.. he was quite good at avoiding those duties from time to time but perhaps today he might as well dabble at those chores.

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