night hours and a daytime mind
Sankor hadn't thought that he would have found another out late in the night but when the soft steps of the woman met his ears and soon enough was followed by the sight of the lady and her voice he smiled. He recognized the lass but he didn't know anything about her other than what she looked like and her name.. if only he could pull it out of the back of his mind. He almost hated himself for being able to smile so quickly when his soul was in tears. He nodded to the woman as he returned the greeting. "I'm sure I could say the same to you Tokyo.. for that's all I know of you, you're just a name.. when you should be more." He was such a horrible flirt and even when he didn't mean to it just seemed to happen.

His golden eyes with the flecks of forest green in their depths watched the lady in the shadows as she moved closer, the moonlight falling on her lovely form as he asked. "And just what have you been busying yourself with miss?" For he had expected to see the woman sooner but it seemed that his luck hadn't turned that way. He smiled, flashing her a sweet smile as he waited to see just what had kept her gone so long.

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