everybody's after love
http://digital-bonsai.com/katew/rp/kae/kae_columbus.jpg); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat:no-repeat;">
Oh, crap. I totally misread your last post. D: I suck. But you saved it! Excellent. xD And I apologize in advance for spamming you (and Shannon) with quick replies. Plz take your time in replying. :o

    The coyote hadn't yet Ryan, but she ought to have known the second-in-command. The response had given her little information about the youth's relation to anyone she knew, so she left the subject alone—but she committed the name to memory, and she would be certain to ask Gabriel about it later. "I haven't met your ma yet," she confessed, disappointment showing on her face. She would have to—maybe she was directly related to Ahren in some way. That would tie Ryan and Valkyrie directly to the Lykoi woman and her second eldest litter of children, though the relationship between Kaena herself was little more than a broken mateship that had ended some time ago. Still, Valkyrie and Ryan were Inferni clan members, and it was good that they were still in a way relatives to Kaena's family.

    The young canine appeared confused, and it dawned on Kaena that the fire might have happened long before she was even conceived. Certainly she was too young to have actually witnessed the rampant flame devouring their former lands. "Nope," she answered the second question, shaking her head. "When Zarah and me made Inferni, we lived north of here on a beach. A fire burned everything, though, and Gabriel brought Inferni here," she said, pride creeping into her words. Her son had taken what she and Zarah had scratched from nothing and cared for it, perhaps establishing a dynasty of Lykoi to govern Inferni. "We had the ocean at our back and the mountains in front of us," the hybrid said, glamorizing the territory somewhat—sure, it wasn't much more than a patch of sand and a thin bit of forest, but it was Inferni's.


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