Christmas in July 2009

__Character Name: Strelein Von Rosnete

__Character Gender: Male

__Character Age: 2

__Example Pictures: avatar c:

__Character Description: he's typical great plains, white belly, black back with ranging brown hues between. He dyed his main bright red though. Eyes are purple [lilac/lavender]

__Jewelry or Tattoos: Rainbow Necklace

__Text: [your choice]


__Table Size Preference: 325-400

__Color Scheme: colorful, bright

__Mood: happy, playful, musicy

__Lyrics: anything you think would fit xD

__Picture you would like used: Just colorful

__Other: no scrolling boxes please :< I like it to be cleaaaan.


__Text or Image?: Text plx

__Lyrics/Words: something fuuuun.

__Best Way to Contact you: send over board pms c:


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