the call of constellations
Hehe, after this thread we'll definitely need another one! (:

The night sky was truly gorgeous and had its own sense of beauty compared to that of the daytime sky. There was something ethereal about the entire thing and she felt so tiny compared to the rest of the world that was out there. The universe seemed to be endless and her mind could not even grasp the concept of infinity as she stared up at the sky wide eyed. She could only imagine the size of those planets and stars way out there if Earth was this bigger, were there bigger things out there besides the sun? His voice filtered through her thoughts again and she turned her head to look in the direction of the older wolf beside her.

When the words soaked into her thoughts she blinked a few times at him her mouth slightly agape and turned her head up to the sky again trying to imagine other wolves living on those planets. Maybe it was not even wolves that lived on those planets. With a sigh the girl turned back to the wolf for a moment and gave a slow shake of her head astounded at the thought of others living out there. Her red eyes were wide with astonishment as she turned back to the sky once again.

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