the sun's coming up

At the mention of Ember, the cogs in Ryan’s brain began to turn. Could it be? Was the raven colored girl who Ryan had once sewn a cloak for the same girl that Savina was talking about? A small, surprised sigh escaped her lips. She really hadn’t expected that. Ties seemed to be running all over Nova Scotia.

A look of concern crossed the Inferni woman’s face for a moment as Savina revealed Kansas had been in a small scrap. "I hope he’s alright," she hummed, even though Savina reassured her that he hadn’t been hurt seriously. She silently wondered who it was that he had had to chase off. Surely it wasn’t an Inferni member; at least, she hoped not. But Ryan didn’t have a chance to ask, because Savina was answering the question she had been asked. "Well, that’s good to hear." Savina seemed really happy, and Ryan was glad for her friend. If only Ryan had been able to secure a similar sort of happiness…

Her eyes turned on the children who had begun to play with one another after the talk had grown boring. She smiled down at them, watching as their small tails swayed happily behind them. Crimson Dreams seemed like the perfect place to raise a family. She was sure the three would grow up to be wonderful people, just like their parents. "He sounds like a great guy, Savina. I hope to meet him soon."


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