let me live

The girl’s words made her think that he might indeed not be fine. What if he was indeed the only one left out of his little hedgehog clan. It would get cold tonight, and it might even rain. Who would he sleep beside? Mati drew her paw towards her face, looking the little creature in the eye. He moved his head slightly to the side, as if asking her what she was waiting for.

Ok then. He comes with us. Why couldn’t they all be a pack together? Mati was a Captain among their ranks now and though she had no right to accept wolves why couldn’t she say yes to this little creature. Maybe he would pick a room to live in, or maybe a kitchen cabinet would be a better fit. Then Cambria brought up a very important question.

Oh, Mati spoke thoughtfully. Was she too quick to think he was able to be on his own? The Manor was as large as this meadow, and it’s rooms and hallways much more confusing then the beast’s small burrows.
Well, he will stay with me. She concluded, making the decision swiftly but she saw no flaw in the plan. Mati smiled at the pup,
But he will need a name…

Looking at the little beast, his calm demeanor and silence, Mati thought of a story she had once read. It had been a dusted book, but bound in heavy leather and accented with flecks of gold around the edges. Someone of valor and achievement, peace and someone of a higher being, that was who he needed to be named after. Ambrose. He had been a saint, and when Mati looked the title up in the heavy book of words the meaning had been a pleasant one, something every beast should strive for.


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