Now he's dead
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Her feelings for the boy were far greater than friendship; what she felt was different. It was unconditional, beyond what was expected of her; the kind of affection a mother would have for her child. She’d known from the moment she’d laid eyes on his dying body, what he truly meant to her. Conor Soul gave her life meaning; they weren’t related through blood but that didn't stop her from considering him her own. The Acer wanted nothing more than to let him know that and yet, she couldn’t find the right words to do so. It was probably for the best. If such information ever reached the Lilium’s ears, there was a good chance they’d get separated.

Conor wasn’t one to ask many questions. His silence often kept her guessing, wondering just what he was thinking. Honey-hued orbs did not leave his form, out of fear that he would vanish right before her eyes. The way his face finally lit up made her heart skip a beat; a furtive smile appeared amidst the tears. She couldn’t remember the last time he’d smiled so genuinely; he was beautiful. It was interrupted when he started to wag his tail, and Lexey could only frown at the words that escaped his mouth. What she heard sent another wave of anger crashing over her. “Your bum? Did he kick you?” It suddenly dawned on her, what the Lilium had done and how Conor had gotten his nose bleed.

A cautious glance was cast towards Haku’s cabin and the Acer wondered if he’d come chasing after his runaway child. “Let’s go inside” she suggested hastily, as she ushered him to the two-story house she’d once shared with Kol. Once inside, she wasted no time locking the front door behind them. She doubted the chocolate leader cared enough to come looking for Conor, but she didn’t want to risk it. “Do you want me to show you around?” she said suddenly, in an attempt to lighten the mood.


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