Christmas in July 2009
Character Name: Palindrome de Sadira
Character Species: wolf/luperci
Character Gender: male
Character Age: 5 months
Example Pictures:,
Character Description: Palindrome is still pretty puppyish. He has brown and cream all along his body, and golden green eyes. Pretty lanky. He's laid back and quiet, and he's pretty contemplative.

Table Size Preference: artistic license, but use good judgment.
Color Scheme: soft colors, anything that seems thoughtful and gentle. subtle color schemes are rad for him.
Mood: key words: soft, gentle, contemplative, pensive, awe, wonderment, curiosity. Big Grin
Lyrics: anything that really works with the set that doesn't sound super cheesy. Big fan of Modest Mouse, Incubus, etc. But anything (or nothing!) will do Smile
Other: Please feel free to do anything you wish, the only thing that I don't want happening is something bold or chaotic looking. Otherwise artistic license yo.

Text or Image?: Either or.
Other: I LOVE signatures, so anything will work for me Smile just try not to make it super big.

whatever is easiest for you.

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