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New table. Testing it out. >_> wc: 339

It was the obvious beauty of his surroundings that truly kept the boy enraptured. The flowers seemed to blossom around him so indefinitely that it seemed like his own private field of amazement and wonder. So fragile they seemed to be, each petal so intricately created to be the mark of such a quiet and soft features, but the sturdy stem kept them aloft in the July air. They seemed so proud of their tranquility, yet so humble in their pretty exterior that Palindrome couldn't help but imitate just that. His disproportionate paws and lanky limbs holding up a lithe body that held its own soft handsomeness. He lifted his own muzzle to the summer's air, defying the humidity of what the rains the week before held in the atmosphere. The sun wove through his brown fur and he pretended he was just merely a flower, a flower so obviously beautiful that it could concentrate on it's pride on other things.

But as those moments came, they were gone and Palindrome with them. He snaked around the foliage, dipping and churning underneath what the ground had to offer. His paws, as large and ungainly as they were, seemed to take him to the worlds unknown to him, wriggling beneath layers of greenery and bright vivid colors. He let the sun trickle through these layers, to dapple in his fur before squirming over to another side. And before long he pop his head back up, breaking the surface once again to push up his muzzle and bark in what he believed to be the most manly and brave bark ever. The day was his, and he seized every moment of it. Every opportunity met in stride! Every person greeted with his dashing and suave self! So when he turned, and saw a familiar figure in the near distance, he shot back down and pushed past the greens and colorful flowers, seizing the opportunity to possibly move away from the dark hued femme.

No one said that puppy's couldn't be hypocritical.


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