Hello Sunshine;
http://i131.photobucket.com/albums/p292 ... ox_cub.jpg); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
Yes and yes! (300)

He stretched and watched, very upset at what he saw. That hand could not belong to him. This was not his body. Hysteria sting him with glowing hot needles. This was not his body. That same thought was repeated over and over again inside his head, edging him on towards the panic that was starting to gather in his body in order to explode very soon. The boy’s ears lay flat against his skull, and the little tuft of fur that usually grazed the top of his head had provided him with silky threads of copper painted hair down towards his eyes, though not reaching them. That hand slowly sought his face. Those sharp nails dug into his cheek and the boy was horrified how easily he could do that, twist and bend what had before been a dull and soft paw. It could not be real, it felt so extremely wrong. A mewl escaped his lips in misery. A second one followed straight after when the door sounded, barely audible above his shallow and upset breathing.

If it had been Alexey he might had started crying instantly, but the approaching creature was a stranger. Conor’s heart started to attempt to force its way up through his throat, and he was suddenly very quiet, curling tighter together in order to make himself invisible. Unfortunately there were no super powers in this world. He could see the spear and silently wondered if she was to stab and kill him with it. He did not remember the Adonis from the pack meeting and was terrified. That the weapon was left resting against the wall gave little to no relief. She was still walking towards him. Her eyes were horrible and weird, like nothing he had ever seen before. Conor pressed his body further into the corner, or would have if he had not already been a fluffy piece of fur and limbs pressed against it unfortunately.

The stranger woman sat down and reached out for him. She touched him. He could only stare at her with those big, fearful lilac eyes. His mouth opened, but refrained from producing any sound. He was not sure if he could. She was looking at him. Why was she looking at him? He was a freak and she was looking at him! ”Don’t look at me!” he suddenly managed to shriek. His strangely formed feet pushed against the floor in an attempt to push him through the wall. Just away from it all.


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