you're taking one down
Jesile did not respond as his instinct took hold of him, but headed carefully into the trees, alert for any movement or scent that he might catch on the air. He made certain that his feet did not disturb the undergrowth and debris that cluttered the vegetative floor, slinking his way between trees and over bits of wood, his eyes taking on a sharper look, his reflexes tuning into the task at hand. Soon enough, he came upon scent he recognized as prey, bigger than a rat. His ears flipped toward it, his muscles tensed slightly, and his nose zoned in on the creature that lay unsuspecting. That would not last long though, and the boy knew it. Quickly, he seized his opportunity.

He sprang, leaping toward it. The rabbit immediately took action to evade, heading in one direction and then another, attempting to confuse the coyote and successfully reach its burrow. Jesile drew back and lunged, skidding a little ahead of it, herding it toward the tree line where it would be exposed, and where Andrezej would be waiting. With one final skip and blocking of its most effective escape route, the creature was clear of the trees, instantly vulnerable.

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