a taste of hell.

OOC: Hiya. I thought hybrid and hybrid would go good. In his optime, since he prefers it more.

Talon had been wondering far. He well knew that he was some good distance from Cour des Miracles. He felt like exploring the area that was beyond the Inferni area. He made his way around them easily so he wouldn't be getting into trouble, since some of them are known to be murderous Coyotes and Hybrids alike. He was fairly new in Cour des Miracles and he didn't want to spend his last moments being slashed and butchered by Inferni. He hadn't received a scar in his life and preferred to keep it so. Even though that his body his hidden by a cloak of crow feathers, he still has no scar what so ever. Even if he was facing a foe, he still had his bow. His trusty bow and quiver of honed arrows. He was always well prepared.

The sun was setting and he thought to get back to the pack, until a scent, which he was hoping never to smell, came to his nose. Inferni. That was to only way to describe it. An Inferni member was around here. The sun was setting fast. Did this member mean harm? Is so, where was it? Talon couldn't see anything. Only shadows and the night was approaching. He was looking around for this wolf, until the sun vanished, and the moon was up. The moon had the slight sunny colors, since the sun's after light was still shining. He seemed to be getting close to the scent's origin. His bow ready with the arrow.

He caught sight of a figure not far off that was by a tree. He froze, being absolutely quiet. He pulled the arrow back on the string as he approached the figure carefully, going slowly as he can go. Coming up to the tree, he pointed the arrow on the bow in the wolf's direction, as he moved out in front, in case this one is dangerous. "Who are you? Hostile or friendly?" he interrogated the Inferni wolf. He had no vendetta against them, he just heard that some are dangerous. Besides, never hurts to be on guard.


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