a little more for me
[html]<style type="text/css">.tctemp b {color:#ef320c; font:9pt Georgia; font-weight:normal; font-style:italic;}</style>
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Naw, length is fine and totally called for with how much going on. Besides, I love reading your posts! I am only sorry that I'm not being very good about matching-length. Sad. 408 words.

Tokyo was told to relax, and so she tried to, but it was hard. She let her body slump against the stone, trying as hard as she could not to move at all. She realized shortly after that she was holding her muscles tense in an effort to be still, and that wasn't really the same as relaxing, so she loosened them, doing what she could to melt into the floor. Her muscles tensed again, her tenuous control over them lost, as salt water stung her gaping wound. Oh huh, her vocal cords appeared to have tensed too, because there were definitely some whines coming out from her throat. She tried to catch them on the way out, tried to preserve her dignity, but they were slippery, too quick!

Blah, blah. Avoid him if she ran into him again. Duh. Not came for her? That perked her curiosity a little, even in her pain-numbed state. "Who is he here for, then?" Murmured, softly, but they were close enough it would probably still be audible to the woad-marked female. Cwmfen moved on to a different topic - apparently the dark matron (whose name Tokyo now discovered was Savina) had tattled on her. Fucker. Resentment bubbled low in her chest, but there was too much blood leaking out of her shoulder for her to think straight. She felt light-headed, and couldn't turn set the right gears in motion to come up with a story to clear her name. Oh she certainly tried, but the pieces of stories simply floated aimlessly around her mind, not clicking in plausible place like they were supposed to.

Crimson Dreams was the name of that pack. Apparently, one that Tokyo was now forbidden from. She opened her mouth a little, ready to fire whatever story would spring into the empty slot... But nothing nothing she was out of ammunition, and so she merely breathed some sullen defensive words. "She probably painted me all wrong, I didn't do anything that bad." Scowling; it wasn't easy to see in the darkness, but you could hear it in her stubborn tone. "But okay. I won't." It wasn't entirely clear what the last part referred to - she meant it specifically that she wouldn't go to the pack-lands again, but she hoped that Cwmfen would assume it had something to do with not acting like that again. But really, she hadn't done anything that bad! Shit, people were too damn oversensitive.


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