you might wanna sing
hang all you cattle with your velvet rope

'I can't smell him, I don't know where he went in.' Merit frowned, but nodded at that, nonetheless. The process of searching Jaded Shadows in hopes of finding the other boy's father might take forever, and, for all he knew, the older wolf might not have even been there. And yet, despite this knowledge, he still wanted to help the other boy. The reasons for this might have been because he had not seen his own father in so long, and he would jump at the thought of being able to find him. Well, would have jumped; he was beginning not to care. But, nonetheless, maybe that was why he wanted to help.

Yeah, we can do that. He weaved around trees that threatened to smack into him, but otherwise kept a pretty straight path for the two. He kept his eyes, ears, and even his nose open, searching for the father of the nameless coyote. Nameless. What's your name?


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