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just a couple animals

The weather, although far from pleasant for most, was not too bad in Merit's mind. This hinted to his future, where he might enjoy things that others found unpleasant; a nasty storm, spiked collars, dark places. Or, maybe he would just enjoy the rain, thunder and lightning, to an unusual extent. Puppies, after all, changed quite quickly, and often. Stages were stages; some lasted, some faded.

The boy watched Jesile walk parallel with the shore, momentarily considering trying it - but changing his mind. He was not as graceful as he would be in future months (he had already made that clear), and attempting such a thing could end in disaster. But, then, it might not...

Before he considered any more, the other boy must have figured that they should explore, and hinted for Merit to follow him. The wolf did so, obediently, a smile on his ink-spattered maw.


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