Let the right one in
http://i197.photobucket.com/albums/aa22 ... iobhan.png); background-position: top center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
My apologies for the wait <3

She wasn't staying in Inferni long, so she didn't know why she was even bothering to speak to this coyote. She didn't seem like someone who really wanted to talk to her or interact at all...Siobhan would have to defend what she had just said, confused by Halo's perception of who "Siobhan" really was. It was her, herself. Not a maid. What was a maid, anyway? "Siobhan...she does not know what you mean. She is here, right in front of you!" She frowned.

"Who is you, anyway?" She asked. "Who is you to speak to someone like this? It is not nice."


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