dance with the devil in the pale moonlight
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The king's booming laugh surprised her, as did many things these days, but she managed a smile and a nod before she went after Haven. She had never tried this stuff before, and was interested to see what it tasted like. She could see others around her partaking in the drink, so it must not be too bad tasting...the girl nodded and caught up to her knight, taking another jug in her small hands and lifting it when Haven said "cheers".

Immediately upon swallowing it she felt it, a hot, burning feeling in her throat. It made her cough, but it wasn't so bad after a few more drinks. She sat down with the jug in her lap, looking at Haven. "It's...good!" She had to drink this more often! A happy, drifty smile took a place on her face, and she swayed a little where she sat as she drank more and more of it.

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