i claim there ain't another saint
You have quite a pretty avatar. *gawks at it*

Sleep came off and on for the young Valiant, who was just as equally troubled on a certain level by the things that had happened within the walls of their collective home. Maybe it was the fact that he was resting in a little nook that wasn't all that far off from where Phasma had taken her last breath that ultimately bothered him. Maybe it was that fact that he was troubled he hadn't gone to pay his own private respects that haunted him. Regardless, through a long night and what wasn't very good rest, he had woken at long last to ponder whether or not it was morning yet.

Stumbling through the dimly lit passageway towards the entrance of the den, he tried to vigorously blink the sleep from his eyes, even more so when it seemed like someone else was peering out into the equally dim light of morning. She didn't seem to be too old by any stretch of the imagination and of course sized played a lot on this. Still, he was getting pretty good at spotting a few of the sharp Kali features that all of them seemed to possess. Upon hearing the common roar of the wind through the closely packed trees, Valentine sighed. “It almost seems like it would be a nice day if it weren't for the circumstances and the wind,” which all in all, was a funny way to say good morning to someone. A child, especially.

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