you might wanna sing

Andrezej would've been even more thrilled to know that this was Legacy's brother; the girl was a permanent memory of his, the fact that she had run so pitifully from him to hide behind Endymion. Fuckers. However, he didn't know that, and couldn't even suspect it, having not really asked the girl where she was from before launching an attack on her. His tool was no longer to be brute strength unless the situation worked better with it; deception and surprise was, somehow, much nicer.

Jeremy, he answered, barely missing the beat. My name is Jeremy. He lifted his nose to the sky and sniffed, arranging his expression into something close to hopeless. Maybe daddy didn't go into the forest! Hah, what a riot. Poor little Jeremy didn't have daddy to protect him from the scary wolves, but Andre knew they were all mutts anyway.

What's your name? came his echoed question.


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