I'm down to a whisper
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It's weird going back and writing this after the blowout o.o 300+

Savina jaw instinctively clenched when Naniko said that she thought that she had just been stung by a stingray. The Italian didn't know much about the aquatic creatures, but she did know that getting stung by one wasn't a good thing. There was a sort of poison in their barbs. From their earliest visits to the beaches her mother had warned her about them as well as jellyfish. "Hot water? Yeah, I'll try, just a second..." The fey closed her eyes and forced her body to change shape into that bipedal form. Thank the gods this wasn't a year ago when she still didn't know how to initiate that transformation. Within a minute or two the change was complete and she focused back on Nani's suggestions for getting the hot water.

She nodded her head. "Okay." She got to her feet and first began looking for some dry driftwood that she could start on fire. The task would have been difficult on a good day, but considering how much it had been raining it was even worse. Almost frantically she checked the beach for anything that would catch a spark. Eventually she had gathered what she judged to be enough and then grabbed some rock, striking them together near the fuel. Savina wasn't very good at starting fires, it still went against much of her nature, but thankfully she remembered how Anu had started one that night they had been caught in the rain in the Trenches.

Soon enough there was a little fire going and she grabbed the largest shell she could find and filled it with saltwater. Then she set it in as close to the fire as she dared. After all she would need to reach in and get it once the water had heated up. "Tell me when you think it's hot enough, I'm not sure how long it should heat up..." Naniko was the healer, not her.


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