people in a dream wait for the machine.
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I'm so tired. D: Sorry, this post is bleh.

    The meal was good and satisfying to the Lykoi matron, and she was digging in for her third helping. She decided to eat the liver, as she had read or heard somewhere that it had the most nutrients of anything she could eat, and as she aged she'd need to keep herself well-fed, well-rested, and in the best shape possible. Longevity was always a possibility. The Lykoi woman was nearing a decade on the earth, and age was making itself known. Old wounds she had long forgotten ached, especially when it rained. She felt far older, though Kaena knew she still had good years left in her, though dying in battle seemed so much more appropriate.

    Although Kaena wouldn't have admitted it to anyone, death was frightening to her in a way it hadn't been before. She had a clan, a family, a purpose—there was something concrete which tethered her to this world, and she did not know what awaited her on the far side. The ashen hybrid had inflicted a lot of pain and killed a few on the way, and their eager souls might lurk just beyond her perception in another dimension, circling her like vultures, waiting for her soul to rise from her body to take their vengeance. She didn't know—and that frightened the hell out of her. She mulled over this as she devoured more of the creature, though she slowed as she grew fuller by the minute.

    There were the sounds of an approach, accompanied by a strange, squeaky sort of sound Kaena simply could not identify. It intrigued her, and she was looking up and chewing as Jezebel came into view. She recognized the hybrid before her as the one who had joined her when that wolf hybrid had trespassed on Inferni territory, claiming to be some strange relation to her very grandson. The dark hybrid was intriguing, but in the exhilaration of the moment, they hadn't had a chance for proper introductions, and they were still basically strangers aside from a name and a face. However, the canine before her had defended Inferni eagerly, and for that, Jezebel was already well-liked by Kaena.

    She grinned at her ironic statement, and indicated the kill with a toss of her coyote head."Want some? I'm done," she said after she'd swallowed her last bite. She was glad someone had stumbled along to share in her luck—it was rare enough to find a deer on Inferni's rolling plains, let alone a sleeping and injured one. The thing must have run a long, long way—pity it was in vain. She had already cracked off a small piece of a sharp rib bone, and she began meticulously picking her teeth with it, showing little regard for human manners—after all, she was a wild canine.


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