80 miles to the gallon
http://i197.photobucket.com/albums/aa22 ... iobhan.png); background-position: top center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
ok! lol XD

She squealed with delight as the ground moved out from underneath her. Her head was so spinny! But she couldn't help but laugh despite the dizzy feeling. She was going somewhere without walking! And he was the one that was carrying her. All that time that he had been away she had waited for him, looked for him everywhere. And now she had him all to herself. It was so perfect.

She lay quietly beneath him when he put her down, head tilting to the side when he opened his mouth. He had something to say, and she wanted to catch every word of it. When she did, her eyes widened. The things he was saying were very serious...things she didn't think she would hear from him just yet. They liked each other and wanted to be around each other all the time. Was that love? She didn't know what love was, really. She'd never felt anything like this...just the love that she'd had for Ezekiel as a family member. This was contrastingly different.

"Haven..." She looked up at him, but his face was in the shadows because of the way that the light was coming through the window. She could see part of it, though, and his expression wasn't a joking one. He meant this. "Siobhan wants to be with you forever. She came here to make a life with you...because her life had no meaning without you."


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