80 miles to the gallon
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In his dreams that one month, when his nights hadn't been haunted by nightmares, he had never imagined things being so perfect. Hadn't allowed himself to hope for something so wonderful. He had thought he would be lucky if she still wanted to be his friend after everything. But now she had left Inferni and come here and they were living together. It was all so good it was almost hard to wrap his mind around it all. But it was real. As real as the beautiful girl that was laying beneath him.

Did she feel the same way that he did? She had before, when he had liked her, but love was much different than just liking someone. The poor girl might not even really know what love was, having never experienced it in even a familial way. There was some nervousness and fear of rejection in him, but he tried not to let it get to him as he waited for her to respond. It was a good thing that he had been drinking tonight because it had drowned most of his doubts and allowed him to tell her how he truly felt. Whether or not she felt the same way, he wanted her to know.

When she finally did speak her words made his heart swell. They were so touching, and they meant so much to the young man. Haven's thumb brushed her cheek. "I want to make a life with you too, I want to be with you forever. I'll never leave you Siobhan." He leaned down to give her a soft kiss on the lips, showing her what he said was true.


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