These killing lights won't kill us all again
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Haven chuckled. "Yes, I guess we will." If by some stroke of luck Heath actually ended up here it would be great. At least Haven thought so. Joining up with the interesting group had given him the purpose in life that he needed. He had something to focus on, something to make him feel worthwhile again. While he doubted his friend would ever admit it, Heath needed that. Anyone with their kind of background needed something like that. It was a bit of a surprise to hear that he had done nothing when he found his father, but almost a pleasant one. Sinking to their level wasn't the answer, he had come to that conclusion. "Yeah. Maybe living a good life and being better people than they are is the best revenge." That was what the pumpkin hued youth had come to believe. He would show the world that he was better than what he had come from. That his blood didn't dictate his life.

He gave a silent exhale at the joking comment about the bar. They had both been a little drunk when they had left to go hunting that night. Though of course Haven had been drawn back to the place like metal to a magnet. But it wouldn't do him any good to dwell on that, better that they move on to talking about his packmates. At hearing he had in fact met Svara he couldn't contain a hearty laugh. "Pleasant? Really? We talkin' about the same Svara?" Of course he was on better terms with the Constable now, but at first they had not gotten along. The Knight shrugged. "Yeah, Jac's interesting, but he's a really great guy. It can be hard to see at times, but he is. He cares about all of us and wouldn't let anything bad happen to us." Of that he was wholly and completely convinced. Haven thought he sensed something different in the way that Heath said Ruri's name and one eyebrow raised, but he didn't say anything. "Ruri's a sweetheart. She has a voice to match too. I've never heard anyone sing so beautifully."

The male smiled back at the stallion and once again patted his neck. "This is Drogon. At least that's what I call him, he doesn't seem to mind." The mustang snorted as if in agreement.


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