The Magical Forest
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For a moment the girl just stood there with those wide, circular eyes. For a moment, the eyes shifted to watch the departing butterfly friend that she would not be able to play with anymore. There was a little sadness within the pup because she didn’t say goodbye, but she thought that they would meet each other again tomorrow, or maybe even later today! That thought made the creamy pup feel better. Her gaze moved back to the tan puppy that was older, but she was still silent as if unsure. Sometimes she still thought about the mean adult that had pounced on her to be mean. But this was a puppy, like Oceane. Maybe there was confusion within the smaller puppy. For a long moment, the young girl simply watched the other girl intently as if the intruding wolf were something very tiny and colourful, like a little beetle, that needed her inspection. And so, for a moment, the girl squinted at the intruder also, with that comical intensity. Amata was much older than she had been when she had met Oceane, and she knew now that other wolves shouldn’t come onto Crimson Dreams if they were from the outside places.

But, of course, that concept wasn’t held strongly within the young mind yet. And this girl seemed nice. Relaxing and opening her blue and green eyes fully, Amata took several steps forward, her own tail wagging happily behind her like a feather trying to escape in the wind. "Hi, No-war!" the little voice exclaimed as she smiled. The blue and green eyes looked over the wolf that was more tan in colour than she was. "I’s Amata," the girl said, introducing herself politely, "and I’s lives here." The creamy pup explained it as the older pup wouldn’t be able to know. She smiled brightly at the other girl. She thought that maybe Noir was around the same age as Oceane had been, but she didn’t know—they were all just bigger than she was. She hadn’t gotten enough exposure to the scents of different packs to make the connection that the smell on Oceane was the same smell on Noir. Luckily for her, although the thought of someone being mean had never crossed her mind, both of the pups had been friendly wolves to meet.

"Where do you live?" the younger puppy asked curiously with her head cocked at that extreme angle. And then, after a brief silence, "Why are you here?" Amata was one who could ask questions all day. That’s all her life consisted of at her age: asking questions, playing, eating, and sleeping. A little, friendly giggle escaped the little girl as she sniffed the air noisily. The creamy pup sucked in Noir’s scent but continued to be oblivious to the fact that she had met another pup from that pack. She wagged her tail, wondering, just as she had with Oceane, if Noir was here to be her friend and to play with her. Or maybe Noir was here to talk with her. Because she could talk all day, too. The creamy tail wagged hopefully as she looked up at the older girl with those large eyes.


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