boy you just a stupid bitch
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Those acidic orbs watched his scrawny form rocket through the air and then collide with a tree. A growl of satisfaction rumbled in her deep chest. Who was in charge now? Where was his cocky grin and his snide comments now? That is what he got for underestimating her and her rage. The beast stayed in place, staring down at his motionless form. Gaze was daunting, willing him to get up and fight. Willing the little insect to be so defiant now. He would never mess with her family or pack again. She would make certain of that. He had caused his last trouble for her.

Blood from his teeth marks ran in little rivers down her fur, but she didn't notice. She felt no pain and it was obvious by the way his legs shook when he rose back to his feet that he was feeling a lot. Good. He deserved it. He deserved it for the pain that he had caused those she loved. And he snarled at her. The flames in her eyes grew brighter and it seemed every hair on her body was standing on end. A menacing growl grew in her throat and her talons sunk into the wet earth beneath her paws. Then once again she moved forward, charging at him again. If he was unwilling to accept defeat then she would show him no mercy.


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