80 miles to the gallon
http://i197.photobucket.com/albums/aa22 ... iobhan.png); background-position: top center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

The room was dark but there was a bright light in the sky that shone down over the two of them, illuminating them against the black backdrop that was the rest of the house. They could have laid down anywhere to be with each other, but they'd picked the couch. She'd never seen the couch as anything other than a regular, ordinary couch...but tonight it looked beautiful. He looked beautiful. It probably wasn't appropriate to call a man beautiful, but it was how she felt.

Everywhere that he touched her burned red-hot, but the feeling came slowly as he kissed her neck and rubbed her arm. Her brain was still alcohol-fuzzed, so it felt like things were happening a little slower than usual. It was good, though, every new feeling. She liked the kisses that he gave her and leaned her head to the side to give him all the access that he might want, her heart thudding with nervous excitement in her chest, breathing quickening.


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