just a game of fun
http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b171/ ... rtable.png); background-position: top center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
He was indeed fun but frustrating as well, her fluffy tail sway beside her as her eyes watched him. Ears turned back as she listened to his uninterested tones,maybe she should have chased older meat. The first rain drops started to hit Faler's tanned coat, pushing through to her skin. "So cautious, though I suppose its the smartest move."

Rising a brow she was now curious about this young male, who seemed to clueless to peruse her fun. "No never said they were, though at my old home they didn't have as much appeal. I can't say much with my mutt blood either." Moving Faler used her hind leg to scratch at the side of her neck before slowly lowering herself to the ground, if he didn't mind sitting here then she'll be fine. " so kid whats your deal, are ya gay? And why so uptight I'm just talking to you." Faler's silk voice was blunt and full of wonder as her eyes looked into his yellow ones.
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