hysterical confession, my big courageous move

The woman had never been quite so fearful of a pack gathering. Had never questioned so much how loyal the members were to her. Had they only been loyal to Naniko? Or had they been loyal to all three of the leaders? Questions like these beat against her mind, making her feel even more miserable as they waited for the pack to answer their call. The first to arrive was her brother, panting and obviously back from somewhere. This made her curious, but now was not the time to ask him about it. She returned his nod, even though she would have much rather walked over to him and leaned on him for comfort.

Ares came next and settled himself down. Then her other daughter Amata bounded up. Though even her high spirited girl could sense the seriousness of the situation and made no noise other than a whimper. She moved to lean against her uncle, as Savina so wanted to do, and her mismatched eyes stayed fixed upon her. The mother managed a weak smile at her child, hoping to make her feel not quite so afraid. Then came Flayra, a wolf she had seen in passing but never properly met, and Brooklyn arrived. Jazper was next, obviously ready to right whatever wrong had been committed, but the gentle giant had no idea of what had occurred. Would he still stand with them despite all this?

Though of course the entrance that had the deepest effect on her was that of her mate and son. Gotham happily bounded over to join his sister while Savina locked eyes with her beloved. Though when he took a seat in the back instead of close to her, her ears flicked back for a second. Despite her distance these days, she wanted him with her, to be by her side. The woman would not force him though and her attention returned to the matter at hand. All had assembled and she shakily cleared her throat. "Thank you all for coming so quickly. I wish the news we have to share with you were more pleasant, but unfortunately that is not the case."

She looked towards Anu once more before speaking again. "The other day there was an accident. An accident that brought something to light about Naniko that neither Anu, I, nor any of you could have expected. She's been taking drugs, man made drugs, and she is addicted to them. Drugs that she left laying around in the mansion for anyone to get to, and somebody did. Cambria, my daughter. She is still recovering inside the mansion, Mati is watching her." Savina swallowed past the lump in her throat. "Anu and I confronted her after it happened. She showed no remorse for what had happened and proved to the both of us that these drugs have changed her. We told her that she needed to stop using them, that she was setting a bad example for all of us that followed her. Yet she refused."

"I think we can all agree that we do not want such substances in our home. Anu and I felt that way, and so we had to make a decision. It was one of the most hard and painful of my life, but I saw no other option. Naniko has been removed as Commander and has been told that until she cleans up that she cannot be here." Tears brimmed in the corners of her eyes, but she refused to let them fall. She had to be strong. "I did not want this. I know none of us did. But we had to do what was best for the pack. I hope that you all will understand this." With sorrowful eyes she looked over the members of the pack, begging them to understand.


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