I'm down to a whisper
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v515/ ... ader-1.jpg); background-position: top center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
Yeah it is ^^

Tiny bubbles. Got it. Though at Naniko's exclamation of pain concerned eyes turned back to her friend. Savina offered a hand for her to squeeze. "Hold on Nani, it shouldn't take long." Seeing her in such pain was awful. Damn that stingray. She knew it really wasn't the animal's fault, it had only been trying to protect itself, but there was nothing else to blame really. Hopefully Nani was right and the hot water would do the trick. There was nothing else out here that Savina could think that would help. "Guess I'm repaying you for when you healed my leg, huh?" she said with a smile, trying to lighten the mood and distract the pale Commander from the pain.

"Me? Oh I've been fine, great really. The puppies are all doing good too. There was an incident on the borders not too long ago, a female named Tokyo Chance from Dahlia came onto our lands and hit Amata. I went and spoke to one of the leaders and informed them about what happened and told them that she is not welcome here. We'll have to keep an eye out for her though, who knows how well someone like that obeys orders." She trusted that Cwmfen would make clear the seriousness of the underfed female's offense, but could you ever trust someone who abused puppies to listen? "Nothing really to report aside from that. How about you Nani?"


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