this place is a prison
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I fail. 300+

The boy was well-aware of what had happened to Cambria. There was a lot of hype surrounding the incident, as there should be. But that didn't mean he understood it. Really, he had no clue what the weird stuff Cambi had gotten into was, or why it was making her act so strangely now that days had passed. He kept hearing the word "drug" thrown around by the adults, and for a while Momma hadn't seemed happy with Dad. He didn't have any idea why that was. It was very frustrating to try and grasp. He cared about his sister, and he wanted to know what had gone wrong.

Gotham had been asleep on the bed, and was vaguely aware of his mother collapsing there beside him. The movement woke him to half-consciousness, and then he found himself becoming more and more awake as the moments passed. He wanted to go to sleep again; he was still a little tired. But perhaps Cambria wanted to play or something. Maybe playing would make her happy again. Gotham rose to his feet and leapt with a soft thud to the floor. There he stretched out, yawning widely. His chocolate-coated sister was nowhere in site. "Oh noes... Cambi?" he whispered, not wanting to wake Momma. What if she'd gone downstairs and found more of that stuff?

Luckily, the boy glanced toward the closet just in time to see the tip of her tail slip inside. He trotted happily over to where she had disappeared and looked into the darkness of the closet. She was curled up on a pile of blankets. He could see from the trail of wet down her cheek that she had been crying. "Cambwia... Why are you so sad?" Gotham slumped onto his belly, watching her with worried iridescent-blue eyes.


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