this place is a prison

No you don't <3 300+

........She tried not to cry, she didn't want to cry anymore, but it was no use. She couldn't hold back the force of the tears that built up behind her eyes. Though she didn't sob, they were quiet tears that ran down her face. When the pup could actually get the energy to think of something aside from how depressed she was she tried to think of how to make herself happy again, but whatever ideas she had that might work danced just outside her reach. Going outside wasn't an option, it had pretty much rained every day since the accident. There was no sun to cheer her or anyone else.

........Little brown ears flicked, thinking she heard a thud or something and a voice, but she dismissed it just as quickly as she had heard it. It was almost like her ears were stuffed with cotton, all the noises of the outside world seemed so far away. It was like she was trapped in her head and couldn't find anyway to get back out. Suddenly Cambria found herself wondering where the stuffed butterfly she and her sister shared once. She would like to snuggle with it, but when she thought of getting up from her hiding place that desire soon faded. She didn't even have the energy to be frustrated with herself.

........The Marino puppy didn't even notice she had been found out until her brother's voice floated into the darkness of the closet. Lazily her head rose up and turned to look at him. Her sea colored eyes were deep pools of sorrow that looked into his worried blue gaze. "I dunnos Gotham...I dun wanna be sads anymores, bu'...bu' I dun know what to do to bes happies eifer..." Immediately after the words left her mouth a sob welled up in her chest and her crying renewed in force. She buried her face between her paws, her small shoulders shaking.


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