She ran until her feet refused to hold

     Mati could see the agitation in her sister, and it was growing by the second. The brown female stood strong, her large body in the werewolf’s path. Violet eyes watched her, wanting for the moment that the two legged female would run, if she was foolish enough. The Church girl was steadfast in her position, and she didn’t want her sister running off to find their addict of a mother. The worst would be that she was influenced by Naniko, enough to try it. There would be nothing more tragic then her sister becoming addicted as well. The moment she spoke of Haven Mati could not control her reaction. The fur on her back rose, and she spoke with a harshness that would intimidate any beast. “You might, but Haven was lost, and he left so that he didn’t bring that into our home. Don’t you dare place a single ounce of blame on him…” Mati didn’t care what Brooklyn was trying to prove, but bringing their brothers into the conversation was not a smart idea. “Brooklyn, do you think Savina doesn’t feel guilty? Everyone but momma feels guilty.”

     She remained silent. Her anger quieting and the rage simmering. Mati did not know why she did not feel the same sadness that her sister did. Yes, she was upset and shed tears for her mother, but only after she did for the pup. She did not know why, but her heart was hold so very close to those three. They were the center of the pack, and could feel the ancient instinct that drove their species to gather as a pack and care for their young as a whole. Violet eyes watched the blues that the taller white wolfess held. The pressure of her hand on her should pushed her closer to saying yes as the question was asked. “I don’t know if she will want it. But I’ll go with you.” She looked away, turning and began to walk in the direction of Halifax. Where else would those looking for a fix go?


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